Royal Mail have recently released their new barcode service Mailmark™. This service will replace the current frank for businesses that choose to use Mailmark™.
The new 2D barcode will look different from the normal franking mark, but it also brings many advantages and capabilities with it for both you and Royal Mail. For example savings on your postal tariffs.
Before you become Mailmark™ compliant, below are some facts about Mailmark™ that you need to be aware of.
1. Franking Machine MUST be Mailmark™ Compliant!
In order to use this great new service, your franking machine or postage meter machine must be fully Mailmark™ compatible. This means that your franking machine must be Royal Mail Approved and comply with the Mailmark technology. If you want to know if your machine is Mailmark compliant, contact your supplier today.
If your machine is not Mailmark compliant, you may need to upgrade or change your machine all together if you want to use it.
2. Even Lower Franking Discounts!
You will gain advantage to additional price savings on many 1st & 2nd class mail items. For large mail senders, the Mailmark service will save you a lot of money. However, if you send low volumes of mail per day, then you may not want to become Mailmark compliant as it may not be very beneficial to your business as only 1p or 2p is saved per frank.
3. Use White Envelopes & Labels!
For increased readability and a clear franking impression when using the new Mailmark™ service, we suggest that you use white envelopes and labels to frank your Mailmark impression. This will help your business get the most out of your Mailmark machine.
4. Prepay Reply Capability
One benefit of the Mailmark™ service is that you can frank your own prepay reply envelopes for any amount of mail and at the correct franking price. This will help encourage your customers to respond to your mail item quickly.
If you want to become Mailmark compliant today, receive a low cost Mailmark Franking Machine Quote here. Or you can contact Kane Mailing to see if your current franking machine is Mailmark compliant.
Find out even more about Mailmark here.